OCCRP is an investigative reporting platform for a worldwide network of independent media outlets and journalists. Our 68 local member centers and four regional partners enable us to follow the money across borders and expose crime and corruption wherever they occur. In the face of rising costs and growing threats to independent media, OCCRP provides our member centers with critical resources and tools, from editorial coordination to digital and physical security.
Our global network is the lifeblood of our reporting. This decentralized model allows OCCRP to expose illicit connections across continents, while member centers inform local audiences in local languages.
In addition to the outlets listed here, OCCRP also collaborates with more than 60 other local, regional, and international publishing partners every year, further extending the reach of our reporting.
INK Centre for Investigative Journalism
INK Centre for Investigative Journalism is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. INK is located in Gaborone and led by some of the nation’s most distinguished editors. The center imparts investigative reporting skills to young reporters in newsrooms that have significant budget constraints and are struggling to maintain investigative journalism desks. It has six publishing partners, which include the Sunday Standard, Botswana Gazette, and Business Weekly & Review. The centre also publishes stories in The Namibian and the Mail & Guardian through the M&G Centre for Investigative Journalism (amaBhungane).
NewsBridge Africa was established in 2014 to promote ethical, responsible, balanced, and meaningful journalism that serves the greater public interest in Ghana. NewsBridge offers internships, mentoring, and continuous training of journalists through workshops and publications. The organization seeks to build the capacity of early- to mid-career journalists to do investigative, economic, business, and political reporting.
Africa Uncensored is an investigative journalism production company founded by three of Kenya's best investigative reporters: John-Allan Namu, Kassim Mohamed, and Mohammed Ali. Its goal is to produce high quality, authoritative investigative reports from across Africa. Its journalists have tackled heavy and important subjects, from exposing million-dollar extortion cartels within Nairobi’s municipal government to delving into extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances.
Founded in 2016, and drawing on the African experience, The Elephant aims to be at the center of the national dialogue, speaking truth to power in a quest to reimagine a state and a society that guarantee a life of inclusivity and dignity for all.
New Narratives (NN) is a nonprofit organization that supports local news media in low-income countries with journalism collaboration and new business innovation. NN investigations have included: the first exposé of Catholic Church abuse in West Africa; corruption by local officials and international mining and resources companies; and corruption in the public education system. Explanatory reporting has led to a ban on female genital cutting; action on teenage pregnancy and child labor; and legislative support for a war crimes trial in Liberia.
Dépêches du Mali was founded in January 2013 with the aim of stimulating investigative journalism in Mali. While the portal publishes general news, the site quickly positioned itself as an investigative journalism organization. Its publications are often picked up by media around the world. Its investigative team is particularly focused on corruption, mining, drug trafficking, and tax evasion. They have been actively involved in major investigative projects such as the Thomson Reuters Foundation's The Wealth of Nations project, which investigated money lost to tax evasion and other schemes. They also collaborated with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists on the Panama Papers and Fatal Extractions, which examined Australian mining companies in Africa.
The Namibian is a national daily newspaper in Namibia established in 1985 by Gwen Lister, a journalist and anti-apartheid actvist. The paper publishes investigative articles and current affairs stories.
L’Evenement is a private news outlet established in 2013, initially as a bimonthly publication but soon increasing its output to twice a week. L’Evenement is known for its hard-hitting investigative stories, including some prompted by whistleblowers. Its stories have resulted in resignations of high-level officials, putting criminals in jail and having them pay reparations. Its journalists have exposed corruption, arms trafficking, and pharmaceutical counterfeiting, and partnered with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists on the Panama Papers, among other projects. Its editors have been awarded press freedom prizes for their work, as well as the African Media Award in 2015.
Premium Times Services Limited
Premium Times Services Limited, publishers of Premium Times, is a Nigerian media organization based in Abuja with a vision to help strengthen Nigeria’s democracy, advance the socio-economic wellbeing and rights of its people, promote and enrich their cultural practices, and advocate for best practices, good governance, transparency, and human rights, in line with the values expected of a modern democratic state.
The M&G is a quality investigative news publication based on a culture of editorial independence and excellence. Through its journalism, it strives to promote freedom, justice, and equality. Its aim is to create space for debate and diversity, to defend freedom of expression, and to combat racial, political, and religious prejudice. It stands in solidarity with the powerless and vulnerable and strives for a more just and compassionate South Africa.
The Oxpeckers Center for Investigative Environmental Journalism is Africa’s first journalistic investigation unit focusing on environmental issues. The center combines traditional investigative reporting with data analysis and geo-mapping tools to expose the criminal syndicates, corrupt officials, and greedy corporations that are looting Africa’s natural resources across international borders. Oxpeckers is a nonprofit that aims to dramatically improve the quality and impact of African environmental journalism. It is headed by pioneering South African environmental journalist Fiona Macleod.
L’Alternative is Togo’s leading investigative news outlet. It was established in April 2008 by Ferdinand Mensah Ayite and is published bi-weekly. L’Alternative is a partner of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and participated in the "Panama Papers" project. Its reporting on the Panama Papers was distinguished in December 2016 for best reportage at the Pan-African competition of excellence in journalism organized by the African Media Initiative.
News Diggers! is Zambia’s first multimedia publication focused on investigative journalism. It comprises a team of experienced journalists with a blend of new and dedicated talent eager to shape the art of digital journalism. As a growing democracy, Zambia needs a free and critical press to foster accountability and good governance. News Diggers! will help facilitate this with an ear to the ground.
Established in 2012, Vlast is one of the few independent media outlets in Kazakhstan. It publishes news, analysis, and commentary on politics, economics, and social issues, and works on local and international investigations.
Kloop is a leading investigative media outlet in Kyrgyzstan. Founded in 2007, it is also a training center for young journalists who cover politics, report on human rights violations, and investigate corruption. Kloop started publishing investigations in 2010, when a group of its teenage journalists uncovered how the son of the Kyrgyz president gained illegal financial control over the country's largest telecommunications operator. In 2017, Kloop published a series of stories about presidential election fraud in Kyrgyzstan, which was recognized by Global Investigative Journalism Network as one of the best investigations of the year in the former USSR.
Turkmen.News is an independent media and human rights organization founded in 2010. It is dedicated to promoting freedom of speech and the rule of law in Turkmenistan, one of the most repressive countries in the world. Turkmen.News publishes independent news and analysis, exposes grand corruption and nepotism, monitors the use of forced labor, and reports on human rights violations.
Hetq Online — трехъязычная интернет-газета (выходит на армянском, английском и русском языках), материалы которой публикует с 2001 года Объединение журналистов-расследователей — зарегистрированная в Армении неправительственная организация. Читательская аудитория издания в Армении и за рубежом превышает 200 тысяч человек, что говорит о популярности и доверии, которые смог завоевать портал у иностранных пользователей. Материалы расследований Hetq Online регулярно перепечатывают ведущие армянские СМИ. НПО «Объединение журналистов-расследователей» было основано в 2000 году 17 журналистами из Армении, которые в том году участвовали в проводившемся в течение месяца в США тренинге по практике расследовательской журналистики. После возвращения на родину они приняли решение учредить медиаструктуру в подобном формате, которая способствовала бы развитию и укреплению роли расследовательской журналистики в армянском обществе, а также утверждению в стране принципов демократии и свободы слова.
DOSSIER — первый в Австрии полностью независимый некоммерческий новостной портал для журналистов, занятых расследованиями на основе анализа фактических данных. Портал заработал в октябре 2012 года как ресурс для создания и распространения материалов на общественно значимые темы. Свою цель журналисты DOSSIER видят в том, чтобы не оставлять без внимания насущные проблемы общества, подвергать их всестороннему изучению, а результаты расследований представлять взвешенно и непредвзято. В своей работе DOSSIER старается сочетать лучшие журналистские традиции с самыми современными формами подачи информации. Для всех желающих доступ ко всем материалам сайта бесплатный.
Meydan TV — азербайджанская некоммерческая медиаструктура, которая работает в Берлине, публикуя материалы на азербайджанском, английском и русском языках. Интернет-портал был организован в 2013 году известным оппозиционным блогером и бывшим политзаключенным Эмином Милли. Миссия Meydan TV — информировать активную часть общества о положении дел в политике, экономике и социальной сфере, а также обеспечивать платформу для открытой и разносторонней дискуссии по актуальным вопросам жизни в Азербайджане.
Belarusian Investigative Center (BIC)
BIC produces biweekly investigations about corruption, a weekly fact-checking show, and a weekly analysis of economic news. BIC journalists have won the "Free Word" award for investigations and analysis from the Belarusian Association of Journalists.
Buro Media is a team of Belarusian investigative journalists who expose abuses of power. They cover topics including bribery, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, nepotism, sanctions evasion, human rights violations, and other illegal activities.
The Center for Investigative Reporting in Bsonia and Herzegovina (CIN)
Независимая некоммерческая организация «Центр расследовательской журналистики Боснии и Герцеговины» (CIN) видит свою миссию в том, чтобы помогать гражданам объективно оценивать происходящее в стране. CIN стремится предоставлять гражданам информацию, необходимую для принятия ими взвешенных решений, поддерживая тем самым основы народовластия. Цель, заявленная при создании организации, состоит в том, чтобы обеспечить подотчетность представителей власти всех уровней, а также содействовать укреплению принципов гласности и прозрачности посредством более свободного доступа к информации. Будучи наиболее авторитетной новостной организацией в Боснии, она неизменно олицетворяет собой подлинно независимый голос СМИ, требующий от властей открытых и ответственных действий. Как и прежде, CIN делает все возможное для утверждения в стране высочайших стандартов расследовательской журналистики, неразрывно связанных с такими понятиями, как независимость, точность и объективность.
«Биволъ» — частная независимая организация журналистов-расследователей со штаб-квартирой в Софии. Она была создана в 2010 году независимыми репортерами Ассеном Йордановым и Атанасом Чобановым. В качестве названия они выбрали «биволъ» (в переводе с болгарского — «буйвол»), что должно было символизировать бесстрашное стремление к правде и преодолению как просто цензуры, так и самоцензуры. Расследования «Биволъ» вскрывают, прежде всего, конфликты интересов, коррупцию и сращивание мафии и государства и за последние годы не раз становились причиной громких политических скандалов. В марте 2011 года «Биволъ» стал официальным партнером в Болгарии и в целом в Балканском регионе для портала разоблачительных материалов WikiLeaks. Организация — обладатель многих престижных профессиональных наград. В 2014 году Ассен Йорданов был включен в список «Сто героев СМИ», который составлят организация «Репортеры без границ».
The Bureau for Investigative Reporting and Data (BIRD)
BIRD is an independent project that uses data journalism to uncover conflicts of interest, corruption, and abuse of power. BIRD publishes investigative stories and maintains a public search engine with data on politically exposed persons, companies, public procurement, European funds expenditures, and other public information. The BIRD web site is published by the French nonprofit DRJI - Data for Reporters, Journalists and Investigations.
Oštro Croatia is an investigative journalism center that covers topics of public interest and importance in Croatia, Slovenia, and the Adriatic region. It is the sister organization to Oštro Slovenia. Both branches of Oštro nurture investigative and data journalism in the country, champion the “right to know” as a fundamental human right, and aim to cultivate future generations of journalists.
The Cyprus Investigative Reporting Network (CIReN) is an independent non profit investigative media platform committed to the highest professional and ethical standards of quality journalism in the public interest. Its stories are published in English, Greek and Turkish, and whenever possible are translated in all three languages to reach the widest audience in Cyprus.
Центр расследовательской журналистики был создан в Чехии в 2013 году группой местных журналистов, которые видели свою миссию в том, чтобы содействовать работе журналистов-расследователей, оказывать им защиту и совершенствовать их профессиональные навыки. Еще одной задачей была помощь чешским журналистам в приобщении к последним тенденциям в сфере СМИ и освоении нового журналистского инструментария. Центр журналистских расследований один представляет Чехию в составе OCCRP и других профессиональных объединений. Сотрудники центра — это высококлассные журналисты, обладающие твердыми этическими принципами, университетским багажом знаний и опытом правозащитной деятельности. Ими разработаны учебные модули для тренинга независимых журналистов из стран с авторитарными режимами, а также несколько курсов дистанционного обучения для чешских общественных организаций, с помощью которых можно освоить азы журналистики и принципы взаимодействия со СМИ.
Delfi Estonia is the country's largest news site. The investigative team focuses mainly on financial crime and money laundering, national security, espionage, and Russian influence operations in the region. The team has regularly received the country's national media awards and they are known for collaborating with regional and international news outlets. Their investigations are also published in the newspapers Eesti Päevaleht and Eesti Ekspress, which are owned by the same media company.
Journalistic Data Processing Centre (JDPC)
JDPC was founded in 2011 by journalists Lasha Kveseladze and Giorgi Pkhachiashvili. JDPC exposes abuses of power, misappropriation of taxpayer money, nepotism, favoritism, and other forms of corruption. It also counters fake news by publishing verified facts. With a goal of developing investigative and data journalism in Georgia, JDPC creates relevant tools and databases and shares knowledge and experience with other journalists through trainings and seminars.
Студия «Монитори» — независимое объединение журналистов-расследователей — авторов получасовых документальных новостных видеорепортажей на злобу дня, которые каждые две недели транслируются в эфире телеканала Maestro TV. Студия «Монитори» была основана в 2005 году и сегодня считается наиболее объективным и неангажированным источником информации среди всех известных СМИ в Грузии — стране, где почти все СМИ в своем подходе к освещению событий в конечном итоге встают на сторону либо власти, либо ее противников. Журналисты объединения ведут свои расследования, невзирая на политическую принадлежность и степень влияния героев репортажей. Обладатель почти всех авторитетных профессиональных наград в Грузии, студия «Монитори» не раз отклоняла заманчивые предложения телевещателей, не соглашаясь поступиться редакционной свободой в обмен на свободу финансовую.
Ifact.ge is a team of investigative journalists who produce stories that are placed in top Georgian TV and news websites. They produce and distribute via Facebook daily infographics, some of which are developed into stories either by ifact.ge or other Georgian media. ifact.ge also researches and publishes data and stories from Azerbaijan.
Insidestory.gr is a digital, subscription-based investigative and explanatory daily news site in Greece. It publishes long-read articles, mostly in Greek but sometimes in English. It focuses on investigating socially important issues and abuses of law while adhering to the highest journalistic standards and pursuing a dialogue with its readers.
В июле 2011 года группа венгерских журналистов, юристов, IT-специалистов, научных работников и других независимых экспертов, объединенная идеей борьбы с коррупцией и обеспечения гласности, создала портал atlatszo.hu (в переводе с венгерского atlatszo означает «прозрачный»). Следующий в своей деятельности принципам расследовательской журналистики, этот портал отстаивает идеи ответственности власти и свободы информации в Венгрии. Atlatszo.hu готовит и публикует репортажи-расследования, принимает данные от информаторов, заявляющих о фактах беззакония, а также, реализуя свое конституционное право, отправляет запросы на получение сведений и подает в суд в случае отказа. Правами на деятельность портала atlatszo.hu обладает Atlatszo.hu Nonprofit ltd. — венгерская правозащитная некоммерческая организация, учрежденная в Будапеште в 2011 году. Основатели организации видели свою цель в том, чтобы создать первую в Венгрии НКО, которая занималась бы журналистскими расследованиями и финансировалась из общественных некоммерческих источников.
Direkt36 — венгерский некоммерческий центр расследовательской журналистики, задача которого — выявлять факты беззакония и злоупотребления властью через беспристрастную и бескомпромиссную репортерскую работу — жизненно важный элемент демократического устройства. Венгерской и зарубежной аудитории Direkt36 предлагает развернутые аналитические материалы, нередко подготовленные на основе всестороннего и самого современного информационного анализа. Ресурсы, которые могут обеспечить этот особый подход к работе, у большинства венгерских СМИ отсутствуют. При этом Direkt36 осознанно не стремится конкурировать с другими в сфере новостной журналистики, освещающей повседневные новости. Это позволяет организации концентрировать все ресурсы на систематическом проведении глубоких расследований.
Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI)
Объединение представляет собой независимую некоммерческую организацию, миссия которой в том, чтобы обеспечивать и популяризировать деятельность журналистов-расследователей в интересах итальянского общества и с учетом международного контекста. Главные темы в работе объединения — использование госбюджета, оргпреступность, природные катаклизмы, нарушения закона корпорациями и социальная несправедливость. Объединение было создано в 2012 году и сегодня насчитывает в своих рядах 16 журналистов, представляющих разные регионы Италии.
ÇOHU!/Kosovar Center for Investigative Journalism
Founded in 2005, ÇOHU! stands for "Organization for Democracy, Anti-corruption, and Dignity" and is a nongovernmental organization based in Pristina. Its mission is to limit the influence of political corruption in Kosovo's public institutions. To promote research and reach wider audiences, ÇOHU! established its journalistic arm, the Kosovar Center for Investigative Journalism (KCIJ), which publishes the magazine "Preportr." ÇOHU!/KCIJ reports on issues in the public interest, including organized crime, corruption, political patronage, public procurement, environmental protection, and higher education. ÇOHU! has received national and international awards for its work.
Re:Baltica — основанная в 2011 году некоммерческая организация, которая стоит на страже интересов общества и использует для этого возможности расследовательской журналистики. Основной упор в своей работе она делает на проведение всесторонних расследований в тех областях, которые имеют повышенное социальное значение для прибалтийских государств: предпринимательство, финансы, здравоохранение, права человека, а также коррупция и преступность. Труд журналистов Re:Baltica способствует утверждению принципов открытости в обществе и реформированию проблемных сфер. Организация размещается в Риге, а в журналистский коллектив и совет директоров входят граждане всех трех стран Прибалтики.
Founded in 2019, Siena is the first and only Lithuanian nonprofit organization dedicated entirely to investigative cross-border reporting. Siena has conducted numerous international investigations with partners from the OCCRP network and other media outlets, including the award-winning Fraud Factory. Since 2020, Siena has contributed to several investigations about fraud and corruption in Belarus. Stories done by Siena and the Belarusian Investigative Center helped lead to international sanctions against oligarchs close to the Lukashenko regime. Siena has also been a part of two global investigations led by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists: the FinCEN Files and the Pandora Papers.
The Media Guard Association is a nonprofit organization that promotes investigative reporting and journalism in the public interest. Media Guard monitors and advocates for access to information, transparency, and integrity. The organization tracks public authorities' response to investigative reporting, corruption, and human rights violations. Media Guard is a partner of Ziarul de Gardă, the largest investigative media outlet in Moldova, which publishes investigations in print, multimedia, and video formats.
RISE Moldova is a community of investigative journalists, programmers, and activists from Moldova and Romania, founded in 2014. RISE journalists investigate organized crime, offshore deals, and money laundering schemes involving companies from Moldova and other Eastern European countries. They also focus on corruption and smuggling schemes, tax evasion, arms trafficking, and hidden businesses of politicians. RISE Moldova members have extensive experience in the field of investigative journalism. RISE Moldova reporters are among the first media professionals in Moldova who have started to use advanced techniques for documenting journalistic investigations in the public interest (extensive use of databases, data processing, visualization, etc.). Because of this, RISE operates within international networks of investigative journalists such as OCCRP, n-vestigate, Global Investigative Journalism Network, and others.
Неправительственная черногорская организация MANS — непримиримый борец с коррупцией и оргпреступностью в стране. Среди задач этого журналистского объединения — контроль за исполнением законов и решений власти, предоставление бесплатной правовой помощи населению, общественным организациям, предпринимателям и представителям СМИ. Помимо этого MANS выступает с законодательными инициативами, разрабатывает новые и анализирует существующие нормативные акты, а также проводит различные информационные кампании. При этом стратегическими задачами организации остаются выявление фактов коррупции в высших эшелонах власти, сужение поля деятельности для оргпреступности, повышение открытости государственных институтов и активное привлечение общества к борьбе с криминальными сообществами и коррупционерами.
Investigative Reporting Lab Macedonia (IRL-M)
Investigative Reporting Lab Macedonia is a nongovernmental organization based in Skopje and founded in 2017. Its primary goal is to provide residents of North Macedonia and others in the Balkans with clear and accurate information about their countries through critical journalism focusing on corruption, organized crime, and the rule of law. IRL also pursues collaborations with academics and technologists. President and Co-Founder Saska Cvetkovska is an award-winning journalist and a leading voice in North Macedonia, fighting disinformation and promoting transparency in media and governance.
Fundacja Reporterów (Reporters Foundation)
Warsaw-based Fundacja Reporterów was established in 2010 by a group of leading Polish reporters. Originally, its primary mission was to train and support journalists from Central and Eastern Europe through workshops and conferences. Since 2017, its core activities have been investigative journalism, including building a platform called VSquare, an independent, cross-border journalism initiative dedicated to improving the quality of investigative reporting and independent media in the Visegrad region.
ÁTLÁTSZÓ Erdely is an investigative journalism outlet covering the 1.2 million Hungarians living in Romania. It promotes transparent spending of public funds the community receives from both the Romanian and Hungarian governments. It also covers the business interests of community leaders, as well as issues related to free speech and media freedom, education, the environment, and poverty.
Context Investigative Reporting Project
Context Investigative Reporting Project is an independent media outlet in Romania led by experienced reporters who fight organized crime and corruption with data-driven journalistic tools. More than a news organization, Context works to bolster and support a network of investigative journalists in Romania through training, technology, community building, innovative thinking, and cross-border cooperation.
Launched in 2024, Public Record is a media organization whose mission is to inform the public with integrity and transparency, making significant contributions to the media landscape through thorough and timely investigative journalism. It aims to make investigative reporting more responsive and efficient by leveraging innovative approaches to data journalism.
RISE Project is a Romanian nongovernmental organization of investigative journalists, activists, programmers, and graphic designers who use cutting-edge investigation techniques and technology to produce high-quality investigative reporting on local and cross-border organized crime and corruption networks. The organization produces investigative articles, visual databases, and advanced investigation tools, as well as teaches other journalists and the public how to research complex corporate structures used by organized crime and corrupt officials.
iStories (short for Important Stories) is an investigative media outlet founded in 2020 by a group of award-winning Russian journalists. iStories values cooperation between journalists and publishes investigations jointly with other Russian and international media outlets. As collaborating on a story is impossible without sharing skills and knowledge, iStories also launched a workshop section on its website where journalists demonstrate their daily work tools, from basic Excel tips for data analysis to computer programming language for investigative reporters.
Crime and Corruption Reporting Network (KRIK)
Эта сербская некоммерческая организация была создана в апреле 2015 года группой молодых журналистов с многолетним опытом расследования фактов преступности и коррупции. За свою работу они были удостоены многих профессиональных наград. Своей первостепенной задачей KRIK видит разоблачение преступности и коррупции, которые проникли во все слои общества. Цель объединения также в том, чтобы помочь своим читателям осознать, как эти социальные недуги затрагивают их повседневную жизнь. Журналисты стремятся создавать глубокие и всесторонние расследовательские репортажи, информировать о последних важнейших новостях, затрагивающих преступность и коррупцию. Кроме того, объединение формирует свою электронную базу документов.
The Center for Investigative Reporting in Serbia (CINS)
Действующий в Белграде Центр расследовательской журналистики Сербии — уникальная в своем роде организация в Сербии. Основное внимание в своей работе сотрудники центра уделяют проблемам оргпреступности и коррупции. При этом в статьях и расследовательских проектах центра освещается происходящее как в разных общественных сферах — образование, спорт, здравоохранение, занятость населения, политика, так и в сферах криминальных — контрабанда наркотиков и сигарет, подделка документов и лекарств, финансовое мошенничество и др. Центр расследовательской журналистики был основан в 2007 году Ассоциацией независимых журналистов Сербии. Сегодня это современное, функционально и творчески независимое новостное агентство, материалы которого часто перепечатывают местные и региональные электронные и печатные СМИ. Так, статьи центра регулярно размещают на своих страницах крупные новостные интернет-порталы Сербии. Все большей популярностью пользуется и собственный веб-сайт журналистской организации — www.cins.rs. Публикации CINS бесплатно доступны всем без исключения СМИ и могут перепечатываться при условии указания источника.
Investigative Center of Jan Kuciak (Investigatívne centrum Jána Kuciaka)
The Investigative Center of Jan Kuciak is a civic association of Slovak journalists. It was founded after the murder of the Slovak investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée, archaeologist Martina Kusnirova. One of the founding members is Jan Kuciak's editor-in-chief Peter Bardy. The goal of the center is to investigate organized crime, corruption, and their connection to politics and public institutions. The center works with local and international journalists and media outlets.
Oštro is an investigative journalism center in the Adriatic region that nurtures investigative and data journalism, champions the “right to know” as a fundamental human right, and contributes to the cultivation of future generations of journalists. Aside from investigating topics of public interest and importance in Slovenia, Croatia, and the Adriatic region, Oštro runs a media fact-checking project, Razkrinkavanje.si. Oštro is also a member of the Global Investigative Journalism Network.
Founded in 2012, Slidstvo.Info is a Ukrainian nonprofit investigative organization focused on high-level crime, political corruption, and human rights. The organization publishes daily news and investigations on its website. Slidstvo.Info also produces investigative documentaries, short videos, and animated stories. In 2017, Slidstvo.Info and OCCRP produced the documentary Killing Pavel about the murder of journalist Pavel Sheremet in downtown Kyiv. Slidstvo.Info has received Ukrainian and International awards including the IRE medal, DIG award, and SEEMO award.
The Kyiv Independent is Ukraine’s prominent English-language multimedia publication, launched in November 2021 by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence. Funded largely by its readers, the Kyiv Independent produces high-quality journalism, including award-winning investigative stories.
Piauí is a monthly magazine established in 2006 with the aim of telling carefully researched, meticulously written stories for those who enjoy reading. Piauí also publishes news reports on its website and hosts a weekly podcast, the Foro de Teresina, on Brazilian politics.
Cuestión Pública is Colombia's multi-award-winning investigative media outlet. It was created in 2018 to fill the void of independent investigative journalism in Colombia and shed light on corruption, human rights violations, and abuses of power.
Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (MCCI)
Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad is a Mexican non-governmental organization founded in 2015. It is dedicated to conducting journalistic and academic research, strategic litigation, and analysis and communication on corruption and impunity in the country.
Quinto Elemento Lab is a Mexican non-profit organization founded in 2017 by a group of independent journalists. It seeks to encourage and conduct investigative reporting that empowers citizens, strengthens accountability, and helps build a more just and transparent society.
OjoPúblico is an award-winning digital investigative news site founded in Lima in 2014. It focuses on democracy, human rights, and environmental issues, as well as reporting on corruption and abuses of state, corporate, or organized criminal powers.
Armando.info is a Venezuelan investigative journalism website focused on covering corruption, organized crime, and human rights. It was created in July 2014 amid increasing persecution of the free press in Venezuela. In 2018, its founders and several of its reporters were targeted by Venezuelan authorities and forced to emigrate. Today, a significant part of the Armando.info team works in exile across Colombia, Mexico, and the United States, while a smaller group of editorial staff remains in Caracas.
Shomrim - the Center for Media and Democracy
Shomrim is Israel’s only independent non-profit investigative news organization. Its mission is strengthening Israeli democracy through investigative journalism that holds power to account and drives change.
Daraj is an independent media outlet founded and owned by experienced journalists. It is dedicated to producing investigative journalism that holds power accountable and gives voice to marginalized groups and underreported topics. In a region where narratives are often polarized and politically influenced, Daraj stands out as a platform committed to providing its audience with factual, independent, and impartial information that impacts their lives.
Syrian Investigative Reporting for Accountability Journalism (SIRAJ) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reporting on Syria and training local journalists in investigative techniques. SIRAJ empowers Syrian journalists to produce detailed written, video, and audio investigations on a wide variety of issues related to Syria.
Established in 2022 amid a fight for press freedom, InsidePNG is a bold new media outlet that is quickly becoming a beacon of investigative journalism in the South Pacific. . Championing marginalized voices and dedicated to transparency and accountability, InsidePNG aims aims to spark conversations and drive reforms in the region.
In-depth Solomons is a non-profit online news outlet dedicated to investigative, in-depth, and independent journalism in the Solomon Islands. It is nonpartisan and investigates issues affecting the Solomon Islands and its people, exposing corrupt leaders and officials and holding them accountable for wrongdoing.
Regional partners are networks of reporters we regularly collaborate with on investigations.
Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ)
ARIJ is the first and leading media organization in the MENA region, dedicated to promoting investigative journalism across the Arab world. Based in Amman, Jordan, ARIJ was founded in 2005 with the aim of supporting independent, quality and professional journalism by offering training and mentoring, access to funding, and networking opportunities with local and international media outlets. ARIJ’s mission is to leverage high-quality, fact-based “accountability journalism” to empower brave and committed Arab journalists to become society’s watchdogs, ensuring transparency, and a diversity of opinions based on documented facts, research, and multiple sources.
Established in Burkina Faso in 2015, CENOZO publishes investigations, provides mentoring and networking to investigative journalists, and provides legal assistance to those prosecuted for their work. It is a regional network dedicated to fostering the capacities of investigative journalists through training, mentoring, grants, and networking.
Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP)
CLIP is a nonprofit organization founded in 2019 and based in Costa Rica. With a Latin American team, they conduct and coordinate collaborative cross-border journalistic investigations to unravel the abuse of power beyond borders and make it more visible to citizens. CLIP’s goal is for Latin Americans to see abuses of power, increase public vigilance, and hold governments, companies, and other power actors accountable.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)
RFE/RL journalists report the news in 23 countries where a free press is banned by the government or not fully established. The organization provides what many people cannot get locally: uncensored news, responsible discussion, and open debate. They broadcast in 26 languages to 23 countries, including Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Russia. With over 400 full-time journalists, 750 freelancers, and 17 local bureaus, RFE/RL is one of the most comprehensive news operations in the world.