
A Deeper Look at the Cast of China's Latest Show

Disgraced Chinese politician Bo Xilai's recent conviction was the culmination of China's highest profile court trial in years. The eccentric cast of characters put on a stage managed by the Chinese Communist Party is worthy of a play by Shakespeare.

Study: Female Politicians Less Corrupt

In a study examining 157 countries over a nine-year span researchers from Rice University in Houston, Texas have determined that female politicians in democratic governments are less likely to be corrupt.

Justin Esarey, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rice, aided by Gina Chirillo, program assistant for the Central and West Africa team at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs in Washington, D.C., studied female leaders from 1998 to 2007 in "".

Czech Republic: Corruption Turned Into Tourist Attraction

Petr Sourek has figured out how to make his own profit out of Prague's many citizens turning a profit illicitly. Billing it an experience of "the best of the worst," Sourek, 38, has created a travel agency that gives tourists a dose of Prague's corruption along with a smirking sense of humor.

The Czech Republic has produced a plethora of corruption scandals assuring that Sourek’s walking and bus tours are frequently sold out. The resignation of disgraced Prime Minister Petr Nečas in June is the latest of such scandals. Nečas, who was suspected to be involved in graft and abuse of power, stepped down following a massive raid involving 400 police officers ending with the arrests of eight government officials. The nation ranks 22nd out of 27 European Union countries on Transparency International's .

The Environmentally Friendly Mafia

Global warming. Climate change. Clean energy. Sustainability. Those topics have become buzzwords as the global community becomes more concerned with protecting the environment.