
Venezuela: The Battle Against a Corrupt, Authoritarian State

By Maria Virginia Olano

It was supposed to be the day Venezuela celebrates its young people. Instead, three students were killed, more than 70 injured and 146 arrested during protests Feb. 12 on National Youth Day. Activists said President Nicolas Maduro’s failure to control inflation, crime, shortage of basic goods and lack of opportunities for the country’s youth led thousands of people to the streets to protest. 

Bosnia Boils Over: An Upheaval Two Decades in the Making

By Ana Baric

Government buildings have been lit on fire, protestors wielding stones have been met with rubber bullets and tear gas from the police, and city center streets swarm with hives of protestors gathered to show solidarity against the government corruption and economic stagnation that has been eroding the country for two decades now. 

Residents of Bosnia are witnessing the most intense political upheaval since the brutal 1992-1995 war. So what do we make of this so-called “”?