

Macedonia's Snap Election: The Tale of Two Skopjes

OCCRP takes a look at the reasons behind recent turmoil in Macedonia.

Picture the scene. A mass of people sprawl around the base of a stage. Bare-armed, they sit, stand, drink from water bottles in the lazy heat. It's May 19th.

Young men play soccer at the side of the crowd. A band plays Bob Marley's Redemption Song; as it comes to an end, the audience begins to chant. "Without justice, there is no peace!"

They demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, a man accused of corruption – including an allegation that he illegally wiretapped 20,000 of his own citizens.

Macedonia: Criminals or Coup?

Is Macedonia being run by corrupt politicians who are doing terrible, illegal things?

Or is the beleaguered government fighting off a coup attempt by opposition politicians backed by mysterious foreign spies?


Bosnia’s Wahhabis Are Targets of BiH’s Latest Police Action

By Medina Malagic and Igor Spaic

Sixteen men were arrested in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Sept. 3 for raising money to recruit and send people to fight for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Who are they, and how do they fit into the bigger picture of Islam in BiH?