FC Otelul Galati
The football club Oțelul Galati received $125,000 from LCM Alliance on Feb. 6, 2013.
The football club Oțelul Galati received $125,000 from LCM Alliance on Feb. 6, 2013.
Hamza Karimov, since 2007 the head of SOCAR Petroleum Romania, received €125,800 ($159,750) in his Romanian account from...
Brothers Ilham and Ilgar Nagiyev were popular with Metastar Invest. Ilham Nagiyev received $255,732 in Czech and British...
Rashad Gafarov, a Azerbaijani businessman who owned businesses in the Czech Republic, sent LCM Alliance €54,900 ($71,043)...
RCL Holding received $2 million from Hilux Services in September 2014.
Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti received €25,200 ($31,820) from Metastar Invest on July 30, 2012.
A Romanian trading company called SC SNL SRL received €234,000 ($310,442) from Hilux Services in 2013 for pipes and...
Eduard Lintner received €819,500 ($1,093,307) from Polux Management, Metastar Invest, and Hilux Services between 2012 and...
The family of Fizuli Alakbarov, the former president of Improtex Group, received more than $1 million from Metastar Invest...
Jetfield Network Ltd. was the third-biggest contributor to the Azerbaijani Laundromat, sending $104,797,268 to Metastar...
Marcelo Dos Santos Cipriano received $49,200 from Hilux Services in August 2014.
Eckart Sager received €1,975,000 ($2,639,429) in an United Arab Emirates account from Hilux Services in 2014 for consulting...